Business description
Pressure Technologies was founded on its leading market position as a designer and manufacturer of high-pressure systems serving the global energy, defence and industrial gases markets. Today it continues to serve those markets from a broader engineering base with specialist precision engineering businesses.
Country of incorporation, main country of operation:
The Company was incorporated and registered in England and Wales on 2 March 2007 under the Companies Act 1985 (as amended by the Companies Act 2006 or otherwise) as a private company limited by shares with the name Pressure Technologies Limited and with registration number 06135104. On 23 May 2007 the Company passed a special resolution pursuant to Section 43(2) Companies Act 1985 to re-register as a public company.
The Company’s registered office and principal place of business is at Pressure Technologies Building, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BT
The Company has the following wholly owned UK incorporated subsidiaries:
- Chesterfield Special Cylinders Limited (company number 04869273) whose registered office is at Pressure Technologies Building, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BT
- Chesterfield Pressure Systems Group Limited (company number 04753732) whose registered office is at Pressure Technologies Building, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BT
- Chesterfield Cylinders Limited (company number 06441359) whose registered office is at Pressure Technologies Building, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BT
- Chesterfield Tube Company Limited (company number 05242094) whose registered office is at Pressure Technologies Building, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BT
Chesterfield Special Cylinders Ltd also has the following wholly owned overseas subsidiaries:
- CSC Deutschland Gmbh, which is based in Germany
- Chesterfield Special Cylinders Inc. which is based in Houston, USA
Constitutional documents
View Admission to AIM document
AIM Securities (total in issue, percentage not in public hands), significant shareholders:
Details of any other exchanges or trading platforms
Shares in Pressure Technologies Group are not traded on any exchanges or trading platforms other than the AIM market.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of securities.
UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
As an AIM traded UK registered company, Pressure Technologies plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers legislation.